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Special Membrane

Home / Products / Special Membrane
  • Stainless Steel Membrane
  • Ceramic Membrane
  • MetaSepTM stainless steel film Features:

    1. Ultrafiltration level, filtration accuracy up to 20nm
    2. Wide channel, higher enrichment multiple
    3. All welded, no need to seal, prevent leakage
    4. High viscosity, high solid content, stable operation under high temperature conditions
    5. It can be used for cross flow filtering, micro cross flow filtering and terminal filtering
    6. Resistance to mechanical impact

    Application Field:

    Applicable to food and pharmaceutical, petrochemical, machinery manufacturing, CIP recovery, PVA concentration, oil and water separation, mineral concentration and deoiling fields.

  • K/A super ultrafiltration/nanofiltration systems differ from conventional ceramic membrane systems

    1. More wear resistant
    2. More energy efficient
    3. Interception is sharper
    4. The interception accuracy is higher
    5. Better mechanical properties

    Application Field:

    Applicable to food, biology, fermentation, pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical and other fields.

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