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  • KS-FD Syrup Dead-end Filtration Equipment
  • KS-VOT Fiber Finish Treatment Equipment
  • KS-MOT Oil Emulsion Wastewater Treatment System for Mechanical Process
  • KS-ZDLP Pharmaceutical Zero Liquid Discharge System
  • KS-TA Alkali Deweighting Wastewater TA Recycling System
  • KS-CIP Cleaning Solution Recycling Device
  • KS-BL Alkali and Lignin Recycling System From Black Liquor
  • KS-OTA PTA Oxidizing Mother Liquid Recycling Processing System
  • Using KS-FD Syrup Dead-End Filtration Equipment can remove the yeast, bacteria, fine grains, and other pollutants from fruit syrup. Compared to traditional devices like board filter, this equipment has advantages such as 24h continuous production, fully automatic controls, long operating life, no lter element change, no touch, and no exposure to air. This equipment can be applied either before evaporator to replace traditional lter or after evaporator to treat 77% DS syrup, producing ready-to-be-sealed clean products, avoiding new pollutants during the evaporation process, which guarantees the quality of goods.




    One sugar factory produces 350k tons of fruit syrup annually, using Keysino KS-FD Dead-End Filtration Equipment to filter 60℃ 77% DS Fruit syrup, capacity is 45 m³/h, after filtration the product is clear and transparent, with no black spots, no foreign matter, ready-to-can products.


    Model KS-FD-18 KS-FD-35
    Capacity 18 35
    Foot Print 30 40
    Power 100 200
  • Static electricity is easily generated during the spinning of synthetic fiber, which requires lubricant to reduce the friction of yarns. The wastewater from the spinning process, which has high COD and low biodegradability, produces a lot of foam in the aeration process.

    KS-VOT Fiber Finish Treatment Equipment separates the oil from water, recycles the oil, and at the same time decreases wastewater COD significantly, which increases biodegradability, decreases the load of the biochemical system.




    One chemical ber factory produces 100t of wastewater daily, all through wastewater plant. Using KS-VOT Fiber Finishing Treatment Equipment to treat this wastewater, the filtered liquid can enter the biochemical treatment system and the concentrated oil can be reused in production. Not only does it save the operation cost of wastewater plant, but also decreases fiber finishing consumption.


    Model KS-VOT-40 KS-VOT-100
    Capacity 40 100
    Foot Print 5 9
    Power 20 35
  • The machining industry widely uses oil emulsion to cool and lubricate, oil emulsion wastewater is hard to dispose. Its chemical properties are very stable, which contains large amounts of impurity, high COD, poor biodegradability, and only can be treated as hazardous waste.

    Using KS-MOT Oil Emulsion Wastewater treatment System, the pollutants can be separated from the wastewater, which successfully solves the problem of oil emulsion emission. The processed wastewater has COD lower than 500 mg/L, and can be drained into wastewater treatment plant, the quantity of hazardous waste decreased by 85-90%.




    One automobile engine factory produces 20t emulsified oil wastewater daily, and is given to hazardous waste processing costing 3000 rmb/t. After processing by KS-MOT Oil Emulsion Wastewater treatment System, the most oil and pollutants are separated from the wastewater. 18t filtering liquid of daily emission meets standards, only 2t concentrated hazardous waste liquid. Total cost of processing decreases 80-85% as the result.


    Model KS-MOT-2 KS-MOT-10 KS-MOT-20
    Capacity 2 10 20
    Hazardous Waste Decrease Ratio 85-90% >90% >90%
    Foot Print 5 9 14
    Power 10 23 40
  • Wastewater after Bioc process has such a kind of characteristic, high organic matters, calcium, magnesium, and salt. Based on long-term lab experimentations, aiming at the characteristics of such water, Keysino designed and developed KS-ZLDP zero liquid discharge system. This system combines wastewater reuse requirements and our company’s engineering experiences using chemical precipitation to remove calcium ions and part of organic matter, and double membrane processing to separate the COD, salt, and water from the wastewater. RO water production can meet cooling water requirement, and RO reject water, through MVR, evaporate and crystallised to achieve zero liquid discharge.


    1. Integrated multi-eect clarifier is compact, withhigh precipitation efficiency, highly shock-proof,stable yield of water, exible and reliable operation, less foot print (less than 40%), and cost saving of 10-20% of chemicals.
    2. High loading filter combines with special RO design, increasing the anti-fouling performance of membrane, to ensure stable operation under high organic matters, high TDS conditions, all while achieve 85-90% water recycling rate, decreasing the MVR energy consumption. Water after Bio process, KS-ZLDP series, MVR Evaporation and crystallization system, Organic matter, soiled waste disposal.



    One pharmaceutical enterprise, wastewater is 6000m³ per day after second clarier, which salt 5000-6000mg/L and COD 500mg/L are around. Using Keysino KS-ZLDP, at least 5250m³/d water can be recycled. Recycled water quality meet the standard of cooling system, organic pollutants and salt turned to solid waste, realizing zero liquid discharge.


    Model KS-ZLDP-6000 KS-ZLDP-12000
    Capacity 6000 12000
    Recycling Ratio 80-90% 80-90%
    Foot Print 2100 3000
    Power 1500 3000
  • When textiles are processed in alkali solution, using the hydrolytic denudation of alkali on textiles, the cloth receives a silky shine, soft touch, and produces alkali deweighting wastewater. The characteristics of alkali deweighting wastewater are high pH, high COD, main pollutants are sodium terephthalate, which is hard to be biodegraded. There are various wastewater quality and quantity with different process and technology.

    TA is an important material in producing polyester and plasticizer, but tradition technology produce poor purity and less value to recycle. Implementing KS-C purification device, with acid precipitation to recycle the TA within the alkali deweighting wastewater, a 99% TA can be obtained, which has high recycling value, while decrease more than 65% pollution load, to relieve the environmental burden of further wastewater treatment.




    One textile factory produces 200m/d alkali deweightingwastewater, COD 35,000-40000 mg/L, using Keysino KS-TA recycling system, it is able to recycle 99% TA 2t/d and heat, the investment recovery period is one year. After the treatment, the water COD is 13,000-15,000 mg/L with high biodegradability, and can be drained into biochemical wastewater treatment system, which meet the discharge standard.


    Model KS-TA-100 KS-TA-200
    Capacity 100 200
    TA Recycling Ratio ≥90% ≥90%
    Foot Print 115 150
    Power 65 90
  • CIP cleaning is widely used in biomedical, food and beverage, and other industries, and plays a significant role in them. After cleaning, cleaning solutions contain large amounts of pollutants, and the accumulation of these pollutants will directly cause the decrease of CIP cleaning eciency. Using KS-CIP cleaning solution recycling device will effectively intercept the bacteria, protein, lipids, and oating pollutants within the CIP cleaning liquid waste, which cleanses the CIP cleaning solution, achieving 70-80% COD removal rate, and the recycling and reuse rate of cleaning solution can be more than 95%.




    Using the case of KS-CIP cleaning solution recycling device treat a dairy industry’s CIP cleaning solution:

    a) COD of cleaning solution of the dairy industry is around 1800 mg/L, and through KS-CIP cleaning solution recycling device, the COD is now at 400-500mg/L, the removal rate of COD achieved 70-80%.

    b) Before using KS-CIP cleaning solution recycling device, CIP acid and alkali tank are discharged every month, with 6 tons of dilute acid, and 7 tons of dilute alkali; after using the device, CIP acid and alkali tank are discharged every 3 months, saving 48 tons of dilute acid and 56 tons of dilute alkali annually, reducing the cost of wastewater treatment, while saving large amounts of water.


    Model KS-CIP-10 KS-CIP-20
    Capacity 10 20
    Recycling Ratio >95% >95%
    Foot Print 2 5
    Power 5.5 9
  • Black liquor is quite toxic to aquatic life, and causes a very dark caramel color in the water. It contribute 90% or above COD and BOD of the total emission in the pulp and paper industry. Black liquor has become a critical problem to solve in industries in the case of resource utilization and standard discharge at the same time.

    As of now, there are three main ways to separate alkali lignin from black liquor: 1) Acid precipitation method, which by decreasing the pH of black liquor, making the alkali lignin unable to dissolve in the black liquor, settle, or separate; 2) Flocculation, which is mainly the addition of electrolyte into the black liquor( i.e. PAC/ aluminium polychlorid), to breach the balance of lignin colloid, making it settle. In this way, lignin is dicult for reuse, and can only be incinerated; 3)Membrane separation, using KS-BL recycling system, using physical method to realize lignin separation, obtain by-product to produce all kinds of lignin chemical products easily, which is a leading clean production technology, excellent prospects.


    One paper mill within China, using conifers material, alkali pulping technology, capacity 1000m/d black liquor (solid content of black liquor is around 11%), Using KS-BL recycling system, within the highly pure alkali lignin recycled daily, 50 tons of sulfonate lignin can be put out, producing 15k tons annually. Investment can be reclaimed in less than two years. Not only does it solve environmental problems, but also brings added value to products.


    Model KS-BL-300 KS-BL-1000 KS-BL-1500
    Capacity For Conifers Black Liquor ~300 ~1000 ~1500
    Capacity For Broadleaf Black Liquor ~100 ~300 ~500
    Foot Print 10 75 90
    Power 60 165 200
  • Using Keysino KS-OTA processing system, to filter PTA oxidizing mother liquor, to realize the reuse of TA particles, acetic acid, and catalysts, within which the solid TA particles can be reused for oxidizing systems without beating, to realize the goal of decreasing PX exhaustion, decreasing the amount of oxidation residue to be processed; the filtering liquid, being transparent with no solid impurity, can increase the recycling rate of the catalyst within the oxidizing mother liquor, and lowers the cost of recovery of acetic acid. Our company’s KS-OTA processing system uses exclusive special design, fights fouling, has a long operating life, has high TA recycling rate, almost 100%. This system is applied in the oxidizing mother liquor craftwork, becoming a new clean production and energy-conserving technology.


    One petrification enterprise produces 140m³ PTA oxidation mother liquid per hour, in which the solid TA mass action of particulate matter is about 0.25-0.50%, after clarification system, the intercepted liquid is about 100m³/h, clarification liquid is about 40m³/h, turbidity ≤1 NTU.

    According to industrial operation report, this enterprise produces 900K ton of PTA annually, using KS-OTA processing system, 1000-1200 t of solid TA can be recycled annually, its recycling value, adding on the decreased oxidized residual disposal cost, produces at least 10 million RMB of economic benefits annually.


    Model KS-OTA-140 KS-OTA-300
    Capacity 140 300
    TA Recycling Ratio 99.9% 99.9%
    Foot Print 50 100
    Power 143 250

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